Looking For A Customized Portrait Tshirt or Underwear?

Slutster.com is a protected concept since 2013. You can read about the project at https://slutster.com/pages/press. Slutster.com is inspiring others and is setting a trend in the (commercial) art branche since 2013. Slutster is a complex visionairy concept touching on several topics including social, marketing, digital and art topics.

The following concepts below showed up after 2013. They are very much worth it to take a look at although they do differ a lot from what the art project Slutster.com is all about.

While Slutster is an art project, the projects below might be more suitable for your situation if you are looking for a less complex gift for your friends, family or partner. You might not want to share your partners art portrait on the t-shirts of multiple others on the world for Valentines day. So if you are looking for a photo on a t-shirt or a digital generated or customized portrait of yourself on a T-shirt for your friends and family, these options might be great for you:

2018: My Face Boxer

My Face Boxer sells at their website https://www.myfaceboxer.com customized underwear online with portrait photo's of your friend or lover.

2022: Johnny Depp's Portraits "Friends & Heroes"

The actor Johnny Depp is not only an actor. Besides being an actor he makes music with his band and he just sold a serie of portraits called "Friends and Heroes".

"My paintings surround my life, but I kept them to myself and limited myself. No one should ever limit themselves," Johnny said about his art"


- https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/johnny-depp-sold-more-3m-174506113.html?

- https://www.vwart.com/post/johnny-depp-sells-his-own-artworks

Were sure the portraits of celebrities made by Johnny Depp will be sold as merchandise soon.